Back in 2009 that was what we were thinking. We started a tree farm. Our hardy trees have survived some tough winters, many chinooks, and quite a few hot dry summers. This spring we are finally ready to bring some of these to market. They are Colorado Blue Spruce. The toughest spruce tree & it does well in our climate.
Spruce up your farm or acreage with a few trees, or have us do a whole row!
Our all inclusive service includes core removal at your property, tree planting and initial watering & fertilizing. You just tell me where you want it, and have utility locates completed. No more back breaking hand digging.
Pricing varies on distance & quantities. Feel free to message us or call us direct for quickest response.
Here's a short video of the process. Note: This is just a tree we moved in our yard. Actual trees for sale are much larger.